Res Nationalis Socialis Republica Australiana

Sanguis et Terra

Est. 2023

Welcome to the official site for the…

Australian Nationalist Social Republic

Party Organisation

The only political organisation in Australian truly dedication to preserving the ethnic, cultural, and political interests of australia and its folk.

Which Way, Western Man?

Australia stands at a pivotal moment in history. More than ever, we need strong, decisive leadership—leadership that puts Australia’s people and heritage first. The ANSR party rises from a deep conviction that our nation must be led by those who understand its true essence—by those who carry within them the same spirit of those ancestors who shaped this land through their unparalleled sacrifice. The Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, and European Australians, along with their descendants, have built this nation, forging a unique cultural and historical legacy. However, that legacy has been quietly undermined as the forces of globalisation erode the cultural roots the nation once knew.

Before colonisation, this land was home to many Indigenous tribes, each adapting to the harsh realities of their environment. The arrival of Europeans brought conflict, struggle, and hardship as these peoples met the unfamiliar and unforgiving terrain. Yet, out of these struggles emerged the Australia we know today—a nation built on resilience, a nation that has made remarkable contributions to the world. We owe it to those who came before us to preserve what they built, and to carry their spirit forward into a new era.

At the ANSR, we understand that a nation’s culture is not a mere abstraction. It is the living pulse of a people, shaped by their shared experiences, struggles, and triumphs. Today, however, globalist forces—driven by cowardly ideologies—seek to hollow out the Aboriginal, Torres Strait Island, and European Australian culture. In recent times, this cultural fabric has been tested by those forces that seek to reduce all nations to a single, indistinct whole—a world where all identities are erased, and traditions forgotten. This we’ll stand against.

Our Vision

The ANSR party envisions an Australia that stands sovereign and proud, free from the entanglements that weaken our autonomy. We will restore control over key industries—Energy, Water, Healthcare, Defence, Telecommunications, Transportation, Agriculture, and Education—securing our future through national self-reliance. Guided by the principle of Autarky, we will ensure that Australia’s wealth and destiny remain firmly in our hands.

Protecting (Y)our Freedoms

A free Australia is a strong Australia. The ANSR is committed to introducing a comprehensive Bill of Rights that guarantees the fundamental liberties of every citizen—freedom of speech, property rights, and protection from government overreach. Your right to informed consent in medical procedures, and your right to defend your family and property, will be enshrined in law.

Building a Stronger Future

The mission is simple: to restore tradition and reason in education, support the family unit, and promote a healthy, prosperous society. We are dedicated to rebuilding Australia’s industrial and agricultural strength, ensuring that our nation remains resilient in the face of global challenges.

At the ANSR, we are not just trying to preserve the Australian legacy—we are actively forging a new future, where Australia stands tall as a sovereign, independent nation, free from the influence of globalist ideologies that seek to weaken our cultural identity and national pride.

Join Us

If you believe in an Australia that is proud, independent, and strong—where our heritage is respected and our future is secure—then the ANSR is your home. Together, we will build a nation that honours its past and boldly shapes its future. Explore how we plan to make this vision a reality in our detailed policies, and join the struggle for a better tomorrow.

Our Story

  • This land, long before it was known as Australia, carried the stories of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for over 65,000 years. These ancient cultures, born from migrations from South and Southeast Asia, established communities that have survived the millennia. Their deep spiritual connection to the land cannot be denied.

    But then came the British Europeans, whose arrival in the late 18th century opened a new chapter in Australia's history. They brought with them an unyielding spirit, introducing technologies, ideas, and a way of life that reshaped the landscape forever. These settlers, with resilience unmatched, laid the foundation for modern Australia, building the institutions and infrastructure that transformed this land into one of the most stable and prosperous nations in the world.

    The ANSR understands that to move forward, we must first recognise and free our distinct national cultures from the grip of degeneration and deracination. The shared legacy of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, and European Australians must not be diluted by globalist ideologies that seek to erode their essence. From early encounters with Indigenous tribes to the sacrifices made in global conflicts, these cultures have been shaped by blood and struggle. The ANSR honours this shared history and stands as a defender of our traditions, ensuring that each community can thrive, together, under one banner.

  • The only path forward for Australia is through national rebirth. We must rebuild what has been lost—our industries, our manufacturing, our strength. For too long, Australia has relied on foreign production and borrowed strength. The ANSR’s mission is to restore Australia’s sovereignty by rebuilding a self-reliant economy, one that is prepared to face the challenges of tomorrow.

    Our approach to governance is clear: those entrusted with power must be empowered to act decisively. Under the ANSR, leadership will no longer be paralysed by bureaucratic indecision. Instead, those elected by the people will have the authority to act swiftly and decisively, guided by councils, advisors, and the Party’s unshakable vision. The Civic Referendum for Legislative Nullification (CRLN) will give Australians the ultimate power—to challenge and overturn laws that do not serve the people.

    The ANSR recognises that economic strength and national security go hand in hand. We will ensure our Defence Force is prepared for any threat, relying not on the goodwill of allies, but on our own strength. Our borders will be secure, and our people will be safe.

    This is about more than just building industries—it’s about building a nation that is ready to face the future with strength, unity, and a renewed sense of purpose..

  • The ANSR stands as the last political solution for Australia’s future. We are not here to play the tired games of Left and Right. We are here to take decisive action. Our vision is bold: to redefine Australia as a republic that honours its citizens, restores economic sovereignty, and frees itself from the financial chains of debt and interest.

    We are not asking for your vote. We know you may not yet understand the ANSR, and that’s fine. The real question is whether you’re ready to join the only movement that dares to reject the false choices offered by the political establishment. We are not here for token reforms or superficial change. We are here to build an Australia that stands proud, independent, and ready to meet the future on its own terms.

    Join us, or watch as the country continues to drift further from the legacy our ancestors fought to create. The choice is yours. The ANSR is firm in its commitment. We know our path forward and to us, there is no other way.

Our Vision

National Sovereignty

Australia stands at a crossroads, and the ANSR offers a path to reclaiming our rightful place in the world. We are dedicated to forging a self-reliant Republic, independent of foreign control and influence, with a government that serves its people above all. Our break from the Commonwealth is not a retreat but an evolution—a natural progression towards the sovereignty that is our birthright. Under the visionary leadership of the President, and the stewardship of the Prime Minister, federal policies will align with one singular priority: the empowerment of the Australian people. This Republic will withdraw from all international entanglements that weaken our autonomy, replacing dependency with strength through Autarky—an economic strategy where the value of the $AUD reflects the true wealth of our land, our labour, and our industry. We aim to bolster our cultural, diplomatic, and industrial forces, ensuring Australia's voice is heard and respected both at home and abroad. A sovereign nation is one that knows itself, and for Australia to thrive, we must guard and nurture our unique ethnic and cultural heritage. We will define who truly belongs to this Republic—those who share in the sacred duty of preserving it.

Individual Liberty

True liberty is the birthright of every Australian, and the ANSR stands as its unwavering guardian. Our Republic will enshrine the freedoms that make life worth living—the right to speak, to act, and to defend oneself. But liberty is not license. It flourishes only within a responsible society where the individual's rights serve the greater good. In this delicate balance, greatness is achieved. We believe that the achievements that shape history come not from groups or committees, but from the strength and vision of individuals. The ANSR will protect the right to bear arms for self-defense and safeguard private property. We will stand resolutely against any medical tyranny, including mandatory procedures and vaccinations, ensuring that no Australian is forced to submit to actions that violate their autonomy.

Economic Independence

Australia’s future prosperity will come not from submission to international banks or foreign creditors, but from the natural wealth of our land and the industriousness of our people. The ANSR envisions an economy where the value of the $AUD is not bound by international debt but supported by tangible assets—gold, silver, cryptocurrency, and most importantly, the labour of the Australian citizen. We reject the financial slavery of usury, a system that has bound nations in chains of interest payments. Under the ANSR, the state alone will possess the authority to provide credit—doing so with transparency and responsibility, free from private exploitation. By fostering a self-sufficient economy that rewards domestic production and investment, we will restore Australia’s financial sovereignty and shield it from the volatility of global markets.

Societal Responsibility

While the individual is the seed of greatness, a nation’s true strength lies in its unity. The ANSR envisions a society that functions like the family, where each member looks out for the other. We are united by more than geography; we are bound by our shared cultural and ethnic heritage. This is the foundation of the Republic. Just as the family ensures its survival through mutual support, so too must the nation guarantee access to education, healthcare, and essential services for all. Our system of governance will reflect this commitment—ensuring that the wellbeing of the community goes hand in hand with personal success. In the ANSR, societal responsibility is not an abstract concept; it is a sacred duty we owe to one another.

Restoring Cultural Integrity

At the heart of a nation’s strength is its culture. Australia’s heritage—Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, and European—forms a unique tapestry that the ANSR will protect and strengthen. We reject the morally bankrupt culture of cosmopolitanism and hedonism that erodes the family, encourages materialism, and weakens the bonds of community. These foreign ideals have no place in Australia. Instead, the ANSR seeks to foster a cultural renaissance, celebrating the union of man and woman, the sanctity of the family, and the strength that comes from a shared heritage. We will restore Australia’s history to its rightful place in our educational curriculum, ensuring future generations understand their past and embrace the responsibility of shaping their future.

Environmental Stewardship

The land is not just a resource to be exploited; it is a partner in our nation’s destiny. As true nationalists, we recognize our responsibility to preserve the natural beauty of Australia for future generations. The ANSR will invest in renewable energy projects that respect the environment while ensuring energy independence. Strict environmental regulations will safeguard our unique ecosystems, promoting sustainability in agriculture and industry alike. Our vision for infrastructure is not just utilitarian—it is aesthetic. Every development will harmonize with the natural world, enhancing both the beauty of the landscape and the quality of life for Australians.

Governance and Transparency

In the ANSR, governance will not be shackled by the inefficiencies of the old system. Our Republic will grant the Prime Minister enhanced legislative powers, streamlined to allow quick, decisive action in the national interest. The President, as the ultimate guardian of the nation, will oversee this process, ensuring that power is wielded with responsibility and purpose. Though empowered, our leaders will remain accountable, with every action subject to oversight by both the President and the Governor-General. Direct citizen engagement, through referenda and open political dialogue, will ensure that the will of the people is not only heard but respected. Governance will be transparent, and accountability will be the cornerstone of our administration.

National Security and Defence

A nation’s sovereignty means nothing without the strength to defend it. The ANSR will prioritize the defense of Australia’s borders, its people, and its way of life. In an increasingly unstable world, Australia must be ready to meet threats with a well-equipped, modern military force. We will invest in the defense industry, ensuring that our military has the resources it needs to protect our land and our interests. Our national security policy will be driven by independence, though we will maintain strategic alliances with historic partners. Under the ANSR, Australia will be secure—ready to face any challenge that arises.

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