Common Law


The Common Laws represent a proposed legal foundation for the Republic of Australia. These laws are envisioned as the unchanging bedrock of our Republic, designed to preserve justice, liberty, and sovereignty for all Nationals, Citizens, and Residents. However, this legal framework has not yet been accepted or enacted by Parliament.

The Common Laws, once established, will be administered by the President and his office, enforced by Governors and the Governor-General in courts, and upheld by Local Sheriffs across the nation. These laws are intended to take precedence over all federal acts and statutes, working alongside the Bill of Rights to guide legal and governmental actions within the Republic.

A representative from the Office of the President in each state will ensure these laws are upheld, and if any government action threatens to violate them, the President, State Governor, or Governor-General may invoke the Appeals Act to challenge and rescind such actions.

As the Common Laws are a proposed legal structure awaiting parliamentary approval, they represent the future of governance in the Republic of Australia. They aim to ensure that power remains with the people and that the government's actions remain aligned with the foundational principles of our nation.

Explore this proposed legal framework and discover the timeless principles that are intended to guide our Republic toward a just, free, and sovereign future.

Common Law of the Republic

1. Law of Sovereignty

  1. National Sovereignty
    The Republic of Australia is a sovereign nation. All power and authority within the Republic are derived from the people, and no foreign power or entity shall hold authority over the Republic.

  2. Individual Autonomy
    Every individual within the Republic, whether National, Citizen, or Resident, possesses inherent rights to life, liberty, and property, which the state shall protect and uphold.

2. Law of Justice

  1. Equality Before the Law
    All Nationals, Citizens, and Residents within the Republic are equal under the law, regardless of their status, race, or background.

  2. Right to a Fair Process
    Every National, Citizen, and Resident has the right to a fair and impartial legal process, including the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

3. Law of Liberty

  1. Freedom of Speech and Expression
    Every National, Citizen, and Resident has the right to freely express their thoughts and opinions, provided such expression does not harm others or undermine public order.

  2. Right to Privacy
    The right to privacy shall be respected and protected, ensuring that the personal lives, homes, and communications of Nationals, Citizens, and Residents are free from unwarranted intrusion.

4. Law of Property

  1. Protection of Property
    The right to own and manage property is guaranteed to all Nationals, Citizens, and Residents. Property shall not be taken or used by the state without just cause and compensation.

5. Law of Governance

  1. Rule of Law
    The Republic shall be governed by laws, not by arbitrary decisions of individuals. All government actions must be based on and consistent with the law.

  2. Accountability
    All public officials and government bodies shall be accountable to the people and subject to the law.

6. Law of Responsibility

  1. Duty to the Republic
    All Nationals, Citizens, and Residents have a duty to respect and uphold these Common Laws and to contribute positively to the moral character of the Republic.

  2. Protection of the Environment
    The Republic shall protect its natural environment, ensuring the sustainable use of resources for the benefit of current and future generations.

These Common Laws are designed to be enduring, requiring little to no alteration, and they represent the core legal principles that govern the Republic of Australia. The President, as the highest authority in the Republic, plays a crucial role in upholding and protecting these laws, ensuring the stability and integrity of the nation.

Protection Guaranteed by the Presidential Office

The Common Laws of the Republic of Australia form the foundation of our nation's legal system, designed to be enduring and requiring minimal alteration. These laws safeguard a stable and just society, serving as the bedrock for the rights of Nationals, Citizens, and Residents.

Presidential Authority and the Role of Local Sheriffs

As the head of the nation, the President is the chief protector of these supreme laws, ensuring their consistent application across Australia. The President’s primary duty is to uphold the rights of all individuals, maintaining a legal framework that transcends any state or federal legislation.

Local Sheriffs, who are part of the Office of the President, play a vital role in enforcing the Common Laws within their communities. They act as the President’s representatives, addressing legal issues and ensuring that justice is maintained at the grassroots level.

The Collective Duty of the Presidential Office

The Presidential Office, including the President, Governor-General, State Governors, and the many local Sheriffs are collectively responsible for protecting & enforcing the Common Laws. The Governors, and Governor-General are the national government’s representative in the State and Federal Legislative chambers ensuring their adherence and commitments to uphold the Common Laws, and the Sheriffs, which are the direct link between the Australian community and their national government, defending and enforcing these Common Laws from violation by any state or non-state actor(s).

Preservation and Defense

The President holds the authority to defend the Common Laws from threats, ensuring their unaltered status as the Republic’s legal foundation. Local Sheriffs support this mission by maintaining order and justice in their communities, safeguarding the rights of all Australians.

Commitment to Justice

The Presidential Office’s commitment to upholding the Common Laws ensures the protection of Australians' rights. Through the efforts of local Sheriffs, these laws remain an active and integral part of daily life, ensuring that the Republic of Australia is governed by principles that are fair, just, and enduring.